Sudan Crisis Fund

child and mother sitting


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Help children impacted by the Sudan crisis. Sudan is experiencing a humanitarian emergency — and the largest displacement crisis in the world. More than 12 million people, including at least 5 million children, have been displaced by conflict and violence...

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Help children impacted by the Sudan crisis.

Sudan is experiencing a humanitarian emergency — and the largest displacement crisis in the world. More than 12 million people, including at least 5 million children, have been displaced by conflict and violence and urgently need safety, food, shelter, and healthcare. Women and children account for 87% of the more than half a million people who have fled from Sudan to Chad.

You can help save lives.

Our Christian faith calls us to love our neighbor and respond to those in greatest need — particularly vulnerable children. When you donate to the Sudan Crisis Fund, you will provide life-saving assistance to vulnerable children and families who are displaced within Sudan, and those who have fled to the neighboring countries of Chad, South Sudan, and the Central African Republic. Your gift will support:

  • Food and nutrition programs to prevent and treat malnutrition and keep families from going hungry.
  • Health services and supplies to prevent and treat diseases like cholera, malaria, and measles.
  • Water, sanitation, and hygiene facilities to ensure access to clean water and prevent the spread of infections.
  • Shelter and protection kits to offer safety and dignity to those living in camps or host communities.
  • Safe spaces and psychosocial support to help children cope with trauma and resume learning.

Your gift can make a real difference for vulnerable children and families:

  • $50 can bring clean water to a family for a month.
  • $75 can provide a Hygiene Kit for a family.
  • $130 can provide life-saving therapeutic food to a severely malnourished child for 1 month.
  • $200 can provide cash assistance to a family so they can buy life-saving food for a month.

World Vision is responding!

Motivated by our faith in Jesus and empowered by our worldwide partnerships and presence in nearly 100 countries, we are uniquely positioned to respond to humanitarian emergencies anywhere in the world — including the crisis in Sudan. Access to many areas of the country is extremely challenging, but World Vision continues to have a strong presence in Sudan, reaching over 1.2 million people in the last year with emergency assistance.

Our track record is one of success. By the grace of God, over the last 10 years, 89% of the severely malnourished children we treated made a full recovery.

We are also the World Food Programme’s largest distribution partner and a preferred partner of the USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance. These deep relationships, as well as partnerships at country and local levels, enable us to reach remote locations and serve people in greatest need.

We need you!

Please give compassionately and generously today to help children and families affected by this crisis.

Will you join us?

Our Commitment

At World Vision, stewardship is an integral part of everything we do. In rare cases where donations exceed what is needed, or where local conditions prevent program implementation, World Vision will redirect funds to similar activities to help children and families in need.

The multiplying effect from grants and donated goods may change throughout the year on identical or similar offers due to variations in the start and end dates of donor grants and our programs.