Economic Empowerment Global Fund


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When people struggling to survive on less than $2.15 a day are empowered and equipped to change their circumstances, ending extreme poverty is possible. Your investment in the Economic Empowerment Global Fund will help us equip everyone, everywhere we work in...

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When people struggling to survive on less than $2.15 a day are empowered and equipped to change their circumstances, ending extreme poverty is possible.

Your investment in the Economic Empowerment Global Fund will help us equip everyone, everywhere we work in 11 countries1 – at least 10 million people – with access to the tools they need to lift themselves out of extreme poverty by 2030.

Thanks to a generous donor, your gift to the Economic Empowerment Global Fund will be matched*!

World Vision’s proven THRIVE2 approach equips families living in extreme poverty to move up the economic ladder through four evidence-based and sequential components that lead to improved incomes, better food security, and more resilient families overall:

Biblical Empowered Worldview
This powerful scripture-based curriculum helps people shift their mindsets from dependency and despondency to confidence, responsibility, and accountability as children of God who were created in His own image with value and potential. See the impact first-hand here.

Savings Groups
To put this empowered mindset into practice, we help community members—primarily women— set up their own groups to save money together and expand their social networks and relations. They also learn financial basics and how to manage household finances, and they lend to one another to start or improve a business.

Market Knowledge and Access
For savings and producer groups ready for the next step, we provide business planning and access to vital market information, which leads to income diversification, increased profits, and improved resilience.

Lending to Savings Groups
Through this innovative product, small loans are offered to mature savings groups, providing more capital for the groups to lend to its members. This enables them to take even bigger steps toward growing or improving their farms and businesses.

Proof of impact: An independent study of our THRIVE program in Tanzania by TANGO international revealed excellent results over eight years. Parents in extreme poverty— even the poorest of the poor living on as little as 38 cents a day—improved their families’ food security and quality of life, with incomes significantly higher than when the program began.

We need you. We’ve already identified the 10 million people. We know exactly what to do. And with your support, we will equip 10 million people to break the vicious cycle of extreme poverty by 2030 in the name of Jesus Christ.

*Gifts to the Economic Empowerment Global Fund will be matched up to $750,000.

1 Countries include: Guatemala, Honduras, Vietnam, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia
2 Transforming Household Resilience in Vulnerable Environments

Our Commitment

At World Vision, stewardship is an integral part of everything we do. In rare cases where donations exceed what is needed, or where local conditions prevent program implementation, World Vision will redirect funds to similar activities to help children and families in need.

The multiplying effect from grants and donated goods may change throughout the year on identical or similar offers due to variations in the start and end dates of donor grants and our programs.