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Give ducks to a hungry family today. With the gift of ducks, families will benefit from hundreds of large, protein-rich eggs all year long. Extra duck eggs and hatched ducklings can be sold to buy necessities like medicine or to...

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Give ducks to a hungry family today.

With the gift of ducks, families will benefit from hundreds of large, protein-rich eggs all year long. Extra duck eggs and hatched ducklings can be sold to buy necessities like medicine or to help send a child to school.

A duck also offers valuable down feathers, well-known for their thermal insulation and padding — great for use in bedding materials and warm clothing, or to earn much-needed income. Ducks even produce fertilizer that can dramatically increase crop yields!

In countries like the Philippines, where sudden, dramatic rainfall is becoming more common, chicken farmers are at risk of losing their livelihoods when their birds drown in floodwaters. That’s why World Vision has helped them switch to duck farming. After all, a flood that could be deadly for a chicken is just a bird bath for a duck.

Monthly giving: the simple way to make your donations do more. Give to the Animal & Agriculture Fund.

Monthly giving is the most effective way to help the children and families who need it most. It lowers costs, which means more of your gift helps kids! Plus, your donations will be delivering the right solution at just the right time. And while your gifts are changing lives, you’ll get to see the power of your generosity through quarterly updates and World Vision magazine.

Our Commitment

Your gift is a sacred trust. We promise to honor your generosity by using your donation in the most effective way possible. Giving options represent World Vision projects and suggested donation amounts are based on surveys in the countries where we serve. Your donation will be used to provide assistance where it's needed most with the gift category. For example, when you give an animal gift, a portion of the gift may also help provide water sources, farming assistance, hunger relief, and other related essentials.

The multiplying effect from grants and donated goods may change throughout the year on identical or similar offers due to variations in the start and end dates of donor grants and our programs.